
just saw saravana prabhu's message that CSK had won in IPL3...


i have slept with newspapers spread on floor... comfortable than spending the entire night sitting... all others got berth to sleep...


in train... 2nd AC... 4 confirm, 2 RAC & 1 waiting list... 7 tickets in total... 5 adults, 4 kids & 2 infants travelling in these tickets... Managing somehow... It happens only 'in India...


travelling towards CST to catch train to madurai...


its better to borrow money than earning it... believe me... earning is very tough...


ECSTASY: A feeling you feel when you feel that you are going to feel a feeling which you have never felt before. Anyone dare to object?


that MRF blimp will be given to Man of the Match of IPL3... he has to keep it floating above his house till he can hand it over to Man of the Match of IPL4... it will serve as rolling trophy... Relax... Just a rumour...


second class local is much more congested... but i always get to squeeze in some seat... maybe its because i'm thin???!!!


after repeated attempts, soorya today finally broke the remote of the dish tv... you should have seen his victory smile...


everybody sweating equally in this hot weather, especially in mumbai local... is this called 'sweat equity'???!!! mba and finance grads pls explain...


debate with an intellectual... u'll always win... but if u debate with an ignorant moron, u'll always lose...


i asked for a coffee a few min ago... in return i was scolded and asked to shut-up... Who scolded me??? Come on man, i am married... Who else it could be?


SURA promo ad is relayed in tv... the song is going to be a hit... Soorya is watching it religiously... Every time...


is Europe overdoing no-fly zone (and eventual flight cancellations) that is in effect due to volcano? btw, its further sad that a developed country is so much dependent on a single technology, here flight...


tharoor tweets about external affairs; modi tweets internal affairs; modi says that tharoor has affair; throor says that 'modi, thats not fair' - eyepeeyell (twitter)


soorya has become a 'Gopal' of 'the inscrutable americans'... watches only commercials on television...


returning home after a dusty travel... need a bath... better with water, soap, shampoo be as accessories...


the luxury of AC bus is drained when you step out of it...


on the way to Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon... for REACH corner... meeting and discussion on EU-REACH...


saravana prabhu gave me a book 'THE SHOCK DOCTRINE' by Naomi Klein... A politico book on disaster capitalism... Started reading it today...


1. While returning from Navy Nagar almost post midnight, I found that mumbai railway stations are guarded by lot of policemen. 2. My in-laws are visiting mumbai today. They'll be here till wednesday. Note: I sincerely hope that above two have no co-relation and purely co-incidental.


To play it safe is not to play. -Robert Altman


To play it safe is not to play. -Robert Altman


Soorya - Chair Jump http://nvkarthik.blogspot.com 


reading 'kandupidithathu eppadi? (volume 2)' [how it was invented?]... A book on inventions in tamil...


MPRE-X: Second Anniversary http://nvkarthik.blogspot.com


i used to wonder at men saying 'i love my wife', until i read a quote by Oscar Wilde: "All men kill the thing they love"


reading a book 'kandupidithadu eppadi? Part 1' (how it was invented?) by K. N. Srinivas...


if 'pro' is the opposite for 'con' well, let 'progress' be opposite to 'congress'... but then, what about 'prostitution' and 'constitution'... i'm further confused with the english...


reading a tamil book 'vinveliyil oru payanam (a journey into space)' by kamalanathan... a book on space shuttles, missions, life, food & others in space shuttle, etc...


got a copy of AVATAR script in pdf format from internet... reading it...


"DO NOT WATCH MY MOBILE, YOU IDIOTS" two guys sitting next to me in local are watching me accessing my facebook... So i typed above message... Now they turned away....


my facebook is relatively silent ... maybe due to the appraisal season...


was watching movie 'anbe sivam'... I can watch it N number of times... (where 'N' is a positive integer)


Cruising across touch screen is nice.


I got a new phone "samsung corby" for sasi... i am using it for today to know more of it's features... i like it... but typing on touch screen is really challenging...


reading 'peculiar space journey' by Swami Prabhupadha... (in tamil 'vinodha vinwelipayanangal)


Dear... We planned to meet at zoo... Until you came; parrots & peacocks were makinge fun of monkeys... Once you came and they saw you; monkeys are making fun of parrots & peacocks... Courtesy: Ananda Vikatan


ultimate star Ajit's film is going to bounce back from box office... Reason: That 'totta taainng' song... (tune too was similar to the old Mithunda's song 'hawa hawa...')


completed german exam... Feeling relaxed...


reading a simple book 'the miracle engineer' written by a college student Sachin Thobde... his day-to-day miraculous experiences with God...


somebody educate the hoteliers in mumbai that dosa can't be eaten with fork and spoon... please tell them that no south indian eats dosa with fork and spoon...


reading the book 'millions in a jiffy' written by my ex boss Dr. Chandan S Gokhale... 12 selected incidents of how indian businessmen made a killing profit navigating through govt policies and license raj regime... each incident spanning not more than 5 to 6 pages...


lankan poll result... justice established(???!!!!!)


what drives the war? ideology... i am not sure... but certainly 'economy'...


i lost 32 kg in last 3 months... it includes a baggage at airport and a suitcase in mumbai local...


watching 'The Fifth Element'... Yet another time...


strolled with a security officer at TIFR... Nice warm worded gentleman... Working for 25 years in the same institute... He was happy to share a lot of life in the 20 min stroll... Poor guy, as a security officer he would have been strolling on guard for past 25 years now...


attended a lecture at TIFR (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research), colaba, mumbai... By Prof Robert Grubbs, Chemistry Nobel Laurette, 2005... The LEAP lecture was on polymerisation catalysts...


if your salt jar is found empty, just go out and buy a pack or atleast borrow from your neighbour... Believe me, similar looking 'glucose' can never substitute salt, especially in omelette... Yaaaks... (i tried for an innovation; it turned out a pity tragedy...)